Sunday, September 2, 2007

Mr. Mike Loses To Platform 9 3/4

I took the Tube, London's subway, to Harry-Potter-famous King's Cross train station where I went head-on with the bricks of platform 9 3/4. I lost. My forehead now sports a nifty brick pattern. Bemused, but chintzy, onlooking Brits and other nationals refused my request for a £5 entertainment fee.

1 comment:

jonas said...

Hilarious Mike! Glad to see the Pig Skull group lives on. Had our first Guys Read here in Juneau, but lost out to a sunny day and only had 3 boys and their dads turn up. Hoping for a blustery nasty day next time. I bet those Brits were feeling all cheeky seeing an American crash into the platform wall. I bet if your English, you pass right through.